Shadai’s Testimony

Write About It!

(Based on My True Story)

Poetic Therapy
3 min readApr 25, 2022


Watercolor Red Splash
Watercolor Red Splash

My Testimony : Write About It!

“Now this time”, God told her, “Only Choose What You Want”
“This will be your New Story and You Can Even Choose the Font”

Write about your good times and bad times
Write about your achievements and mischievous crimes
Write about your laughs and your heartbreaks
Write about the real moments versus the fakes
Write about nightmares manifested into real life
Write about how your dreams came true overnight
Write about the few that came into your life and change it
Write about the family and friends who tried to steal from you to be famous
Write about how heaven knows who they are, so you dont have to say names
Write about how they all tried to befriend you and play mind games
Write about how they wanted to bring harm to you
Write about how all their malicious deeds will be reverse onto them too
Write about how the industry started placing bets on your soul
Write about the lies too many witches and warlocks told
Write about the tough decisions people had to make
Write about it was an “either me or you” thing or their lives’ God would take
Write about how God never left your side
Write about how God helped you maneuver the black magic as your guide
Write about how you cried and pleaded for…

